Monday, August 8, 2016

We Be Jammin'... Rhubarb Cherry Vanilla Jam

Rhubarb Cherry Vanilla Jam
Found on SBCanning

1 cup frozen black cherries

2 cups fresh rhubarb - diced

1-1/2 cup sugar

1 t. vanilla bean paste (you can use 1/2 vanilla bean split and the pods removed)

Combine all ingredients into a dutch oven and cook until rhubarb is tender and falling apart. With a potato masher or immersion blender continue to breakdown the rhubarb till smooth. Cook on high for 5 to 7 minutes or until it thickens to the gel point.

Sterilize your jars. You will need two half pints (with about 1/4 pint left to jar or put in the frig), lid, and rings. Ladle the recipe into the jars, clean the rim, add lids and rings. Process the jars 10 minutes in the water bath. Remove and set jars on the counter overnight undisturbed.

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